Tricking the eye at the light:
Besides retouching models and cropping pictures, Photoshop can be used for document forgery. No big surprise there, right? I was a little surprised when I heard about this. A group of teenagers in Maryland photoshopped images of license plates of people they hate, put them on a similar car and ran a red light. I can totally see ex girlfriends or exboyfriends getting back at each with this in the future.
For other types of license plate projects, I found this article about how to make a license plate from scratch (you don't really need it though if you can get close enough to take a picture of their license plate). But check it out here.
Leaving a fake license plate on your car can land you in big trouble. Is there another way to fool it? In this article a reporter works with the police testing a spray that you're supposed to put over your license plate, and a lens film thats supposed to trick the camera. Ultimately the reporter says it doesn't work. Seen anything work better?